
Friday 13 March 2015

Creating your own music part 2

Hello again everyone,

Today we will continue with the creation of your music repertoire.

Pick four letters between the letters A and G (they do not need to be in alphabetical order) and then memorize them.  The four notes you will play can be in any order or you can move them around at any time within the song.  

Check out my video example above.  If you wish to follow along, that is fine, but I recommend you pick your own notes for the sake of calling it your own creation.

So now you have four letters, or instead four notes.  These will be your bass notes which you will play with your left hand. Play them over and over again until you get a good feeling for them.  Figure out a good steady tempo and just keep playing it.  Why? Finger (muscle) memory.

Finger memory is essentially when your conscious self can stop thinking about what your fingers are playing but they keep playing anyways.  Think of "Thing" from the Addams Family.  It's almost like your hand has a mind of its own at that point.

Your four bass notes are now the bread and butter of your song.  Sure you could leave it as is, but where is the meat (or tofu if you're a vegetarian)?  Try to pick random notes with your left hand.  Maybe create a little tune that repeats.  I'll get into more detail for the left hand next week in "Creating your own music part 3", but for now just try tinkering around with it.

Please post your four letters/notes in the comments section and I will make quick videos (my renditions of them) of as many as of as I can to my YouTube profile.

Till next week, fellow readers.


  1. Thank you for trying Ben, but I think I'm unteachable when it comes to music!

    1. I beg to differ. Just give me 4 letters between A and G and I'll show you otherwise.

  2. Hey Ben what a cool blog man. I've always wanted to learn how to play piano, hopefully this can help! Nice job

  3. Challenger accepted. D F A C

    I'll be waiting Benjamin.

    1. Hey Adam, so I made two songs from what you gave me. I new thee was a musical genius in you.

      Adam Lalama - Rainy Day

      Adam Lalama's funk

  4. This is an awesome blog, if only I had any musical talent.

  5. Replies
    1. I'll get to you soon buddy. Thanks for the comment.

    2. Here you go buddy. This was a great combination of notes. Well done!

  6. You're so talented, Ben! I love the video content as I am a very visual learner. You make it look so easy.

    1. Thanks Riley! My self esteem is through the roof right now,
