Today we'll be looking at intervals and how you can
easily play songs you like from memory with them.
As explained in this week's video, a song is not defined
by its first note, but rather by the interval between notes. An interval is the space between each
key. If you move to the left or to the right
by one key, it is referred to as a semitone.
So what do I mean by "a song is not defined by its
first note, but rather by the interval between notes"? Let me show you:
-Sing it
-now remember how you started the song (i.e. the first
-play the official song while singing your version
Odds are that they sounded slightly different. This is because you were singing in a
different key. The link on the word
"key" and the theory behind it is a rabbit hole you do not want wish
to follow yet, unless you're a curious Alice, and feel like getting a headache.
All you need to know for now is that even though you were in a different key,
you were able to sing the song because you were singing the right intervals
between each note.
What does this mean for you? Think of a song you like and sit down at a
piano. Try playing with one hand the
melody you hear in your head. Although
it might not be in the same key as the original, it's certainly the same song.